SameSame Different Episode Four – Meet Bashar Hanna

Meet Bashar Hanna. Bashar joins Western Sydney MRC on our new venture of the discovery of Western Sydney and its rich diversity through storytelling and the amazing world of podcasts.
SameSame Different Episode Three – Meet Lucy

Inclusion Comes From Acceptance About Our Podcast – SameSame Different – This Is Western Sydney This podcast series leverages the beauty, richness and uniqueness of cultural diversity, and highlight the triumph and strength of participants who represent cultural diversity. We seek to highlight the triumphs and shared humanity across cultural groups through our podcast series, […]
SameSame Different Episode Two – Meet Zinah

About Our Podcast – SameSame Different – This Is Western Sydney This podcast series leverages the beauty, richness and uniqueness of cultural diversity, and highlight the triumph and strength of participants who represent cultural diversity. We seek to highlight the triumphs and shared humanity across cultural groups through our podcast series, to break the stereotype […]
Courageous Journeys – 40 years and counting.
For 40 years Western Sydney MRC has delivered services, programs, and projects to many clients and communities. The Western Sydney melting pot holds an assortment of culturally and linguistically diverse people, and those that have crossed our path have sought a variety of supports, connections, and assistance. Our staff, management, and board have ebbed and […]
SBS Meet the Broadcaster – Sydney 2019

On Wednesday evening, Western Sydney MRC was delighted to attend the SBS Meet the Broadcaster Sydney event at Chauvel Cinemas in Paddington. In a recent SBS-commissioned report, Deloitte Access Economics quantified the economic dividend of increased social inclusion in Australia. The report asked key questions about who we are as Australians, and how to leverage […]
St. Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School recognition of fundraising City2Surf support

Acting CEO Anna-Marie and Chair of the Board Nathan Hagarty visited St Peter Chanel Catholic Primary School to recognise the contribution and support made in donations and fundraising for student Samuel Plakidis.
Senator Kristina Keneally visit Western Sydney MRC

Senator Kristina Keneally toured our Liverpool office and joined us for a round table discussion with active community members and Community leaders, using the opportunity to meet with different community groups and their leaders.
Texas A&M International University Student Visit

Western Sydney MRC was delighted to hold a 2 day Interactive workshops series with students. We were contacted by American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS), to request participation in the program, and on Wednesday 22nd and Thursday 23rd May, we were delighted to welcome 13 students from the Texas A&M International University.
The Hon. Ray Williams MP – February 2019 visit

Western Sydney MRC was once again honoured to receive The Hon. Ray Williams MP, and received a cheque for $20,000 to support the launch of a podcast and an additional $5,000 from Melanie Gibbons MP to assist with the delivery of youth activities including Rock and Water and the school holiday camp.
Migration Triptychs

Migration Triptychs aimed at capturing those three stages of rebirth by telling the stories of residents from the Liverpool LGA, those who came to Australia seeking asylum from conflicts in Iraq. The stories are captured as “digital triptychs”: digital animations with graphics, audio and written words, played on three sections: life before coming to Australia, on the left-hand side partition; the journey between lands, at the centre; and life in Australia, on the right-hand side partition.