Meet the Candidates 2022

Continuous political engagement for our diverse and multicultural communities. In keeping with our mission to empower, inform and connect the diverse communities in Liverpool and surrounding areas, Western Sydney MRC held its 6th Meet the Candidates’ Forum last night (May 4 2022) in the lead up to the Federal Election later this month. “We have […]
Resumption of Humanitarian Arrivals
Western Sydney MRC welcomes the announcement of The Hon. Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia, on 22 November, to resume humanitarian arrivals under the humanitarian program.
Western Sydney MRC CEO interviews Liverpool City Council Mayoral Candidates 2021.

Ahead of Election Day, 4th December Western Sydney MRC CEO Kamalle Dabboussy sat down with five (5) Liverpool City Council Mayoral Candidates to understand their position on critical issues identified by community leaders.
Western Sydney MRC had the opportunity to collate some important questions from our community leaders and ask them directly to the candidates. This gives you the opportunity to connect and be educated about who can facilitate the needs of the multicultural community in Liverpool.
Engaging Policy Makers post lockdown
It was a busy morning at Western Sydney MRC as our office has just begun reopening to the staff since lockdown. We were delighted to be welcoming Mr Chris Minns, Leader of the NSW Labor Party and Mr Stephen Kamper, the Shadow Minister for Small Business, Property and Multiculturalism, for a roundtable discussion and a presentation of our recent Pulse report. Joining them was the local Liverpool city councillor Mr Nathan Hagarty, ex-chair of the Western Sydney MRC board.
MiWork Employment Success Story with Fida

At Western Sydney MRC our MiWork employment program continued to operate and facilitate training online to support those who were registered in the program. The MiWork employment program aims to assist individuals in identifying their skills and interests and begin career pathways towards success. The program is designed to create strategies that generate employment opportunities. This program will provide career and further education advice for the betterment of your future.
Australian Government COVID-19 Vaccine Campaign 2021 – reaching CALD and minority communities
COVID-19 Vaccination rollout begins in NSW by early March, with a complete rollout expected through 2021. Vaccination will be made available for all citizens, permanent residents, and temporary visa holders except for tourists. Whilst vaccination is not compulsory; the Government are rolling out a national campaign, to inform all Australians about the Vaccine process and […]
Celebrating National Volunteer Week 2021

Western Sydney MRC is an essential service providing ongoing support to our clients and community. Our volunteers have continued to be part of the MRC Family supporting us to deliver services across many programs.
Amazing Response To Welcome Dinner Project

The Welcome Dinner Project 2017 Thursday 9th March 2017. With such an amazing response to Liverpool’s Welcome Dinner in 2016, held at the Liverpool MRC, The Welcome Dinner Project came together again with Liverpool MRC and Liverpool City Council to host a second. The Venue – Casula Powerhouse Casula Powerhouse was built in 1951 by the NSW Electricity Commission, the […]
Impacts of Covid-19 – The Pulse of South West Sydney CALD communities

This research was conducted by Western Sydney MRC based on the rapidly evolving COVID-19 Delta outbreak in Sydney, specifically South West Sydney (SWS). To develop rapid responses, Western Sydney MRC conducted a survey-based study to hear directly from the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities living in the area.
The purpose of the research is to provide a platform for the voices of the SWS CALD communities in lockdown to be
heard, recorded and amplified. Insights garnered from the report are drawn on to develop actionable recommendations that are fit for purpose, both in the immediate and long term.
Bringing the young voices to the table. Why, how and where to next

The current Delta outbreak in NSW has had devastating consequences across different demographics but one segment of the population slipping through the cracks are young people from migrant backgrounds.
Recent research on youth and COVID19 impacts documents ‘labour market scarring’, wherein young people’s pandemic induced unemployment could be prolonged making it harder for them to re-enter the labour market. Young people, including those born overseas, are bearing the brunt of COVID restrictions, particularly in the hospitality and retail sectors.
In addition to the loss of jobs, lockdown restrictions and police presence, there is a vast amount of misinformation regarding vaccinations circulating in our youth communities. Direct engagement with youth, specifically in the South West Sydney region, highlighted the need for a platform where they could come to the table, register their concerns, get responses to their queries and be visible.