Bringing the young voices to the table. Why, how and where to next

The current Delta outbreak in NSW has had devastating consequences across different demographics but one segment of the population slipping through the cracks are young people from migrant backgrounds.
Recent research on youth and COVID19 impacts documents ‘labour market scarring’, wherein young people’s pandemic induced unemployment could be prolonged making it harder for them to re-enter the labour market. Young people, including those born overseas, are bearing the brunt of COVID restrictions, particularly in the hospitality and retail sectors.
In addition to the loss of jobs, lockdown restrictions and police presence, there is a vast amount of misinformation regarding vaccinations circulating in our youth communities. Direct engagement with youth, specifically in the South West Sydney region, highlighted the need for a platform where they could come to the table, register their concerns, get responses to their queries and be visible.
Minister Natalie Ward’s announcement for urgent funding to support Asylum Seekers and temporary Visa holders – $5.5 million

Western Sydney MRC welcomes the announcement made on Wednesday 18th August of the $5.5 million to support temporary visa holders, including asylum seekers through grassroots, community organisations.
2021 Australian Budget Impacts for CALD Communities

Western Sydney MRC welcomes the increased funding on family and domestic violence supports, including the $10.3m for temporary visa holders as outlined in the Australian Government Budget 2021.
Western Sydney MRC partners with TAFE Liverpool to support the Community and Community Leaders excel in their learning

Our Community Leadership Course was organised by Western Sydney MRC in partnership with TAFE Liverpool who designed and delivered the course and funded by Training Services NSW.
Australia Humanitarian Program Community Consultation, speak up today for the impact of tomorrow.

The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon. Alex Hawke MP held an ‘Australia Humanitarian Program Community Consultation’ on 24th May 2021.
Meet our team

All our team is dedicated to their work, their clients and their community. This year our annual report highlighted a few of the team, each with drive, passion and empathy.
PeerLink Review 2020
PeerLink Community Connectors Admon and Lina and team Coordinator Michelle recently got together at the end of 2020 to reflect on Western Sydney MRC’s PeerLink program. PeerLink started in August this year (2020) and was designed to address the needs and challenges of those concerned about their mental health and/or disability. “Our objective was to assist participants in socialising and coming together, making friends, increasing referral pathways but most importantly making connections, a place to listen, sharing stories and experiences,” says Michelle. The development of this program was gained from insight from the Circles of Sustainability report in 2017 undertaken in partnership with by WSU.
Labor’s Multicultural Statement and Settlement Outcomes research.
This is the Labor Party’s vision of the Settlement sector and its vision of social inclusive society and Australia. The Labor Party hopes that from this statement it can bring together community, to build on the success of our current multicultural Australia.
Settlement Outcomes of Refugee Families in Australia
Settlement Outcomes of Refugee Families in Australia,
A report ‘Settlement experiences of recently arrived refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan in New South Wales in 2018 was launched today as a collaboration between several Universities and NGOs. The launch was attended by numerous academics from around Australia and internationally from Canada and Finland.
Congratulations SSI

On behalf of Western Sydney MRC, can we congratulate SSI on its 20th Year. It is remarkable to see SSI’s outstanding growth, with the dedication and hard work of all involved, it has achieved a remarkable outcome.