The team of the newly branded Western Sydney MRC
Since 1979 Liverpool MRC has always been characterised by opportunity, growth, and change, where its eye to new spaces, broader horizons, and windows of opportunity has driven this momentum.
Now, in 2017 we are resolved to embody and emblemise this by rebranding as Western Sydney MRC. We are the same people, with the same commitment to community, clients, and partners, but with a new and truer image.”
The Western Sydney name change recognises the broad reach of our service offerings and compels us to do even better. It helps us to uphold and to create new partnerships. And, it allows us to explore broader connections within our expanding community in one of the most dynamic and exciting regions of Australia, Western Sydney: where it is the nation’s third-largest economy, is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse, and characterised by high proportions of the younger population groups.