The Western Sydney MRC and the Institute of Culture & Society (Western Sydney University) are conducting a study of this place of ours, where we want to hear and understand differing and overlapping perspectives of people who live and/or have lived in the Liverpool LGA.
Liverpool is on the cusp of many changes. Some have come to pass or else still in full swing, some loom on the horizon, and others no doubt will leap out unexpectedly. And then there are those enduring things that make Liverpool, ‘Liverpool’!
We are interested in the question of urban sustainability, resilience, and adaptation because “cities have become the unlikely but crucial zones for the survival of humanity,” says Dr Paul James (Professor of Globalisation & Cultural Diversity, ICS/WSU). So, our interest in this question is simply because “we need to”, in order to survive and thrive in our ‘habitat’, both as individuals and families on the one hand, and as organisations and a community, on the other. We are sure you share this perspective, too.
The method we will apply is the Circles of Social Life approach originally developed by the UN Global Compact Cities Program and Metropolis. As such it aims to capture and measure subjective and “ground-up” responses to sustainability across four key domains: Economics, Ecology, Politics, and Culture. The leading thinker(s) of this approach, Professor Paul James and his team, will be co-convening / conducting the project.
Part 1 – Critical Reference Group