Western Sydney MRC Teams Up with Newtown-Based Social Enterprise

The Social Outfit is a social enterprise based in Newtown that functions to promote employment within the fashion industry amongst people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. This includes training in clothing production, retail, design and marketing; empowering people through the development of skills whilst working to eliminate risks of social isolation.
Aldi MiniRoos Settlement Program

Western Sydney MRC partnered with Football Federation Australia and the Western Sydney Wanderers to Introduce a Pilot MiniRoos Settlement Program into Western Sydney
Data Analysis shows Incredible Results

For Casework and Emergency Relief, we have already seen over 350 individual clients, between January and February this year.
Multicultural Arts Night
Western Sydney MRC is celebrating the NSW Youth Week by organising a Multicultural Arts Night for youth 15-18 years on Friday 20th of April at PCYC Liverpool, the night is sponsored by Liverpool City Council and supported by PCYC Liverpool.
Youth Worker Sarah Introduces Rock & Water Program
The Rock & Water program aims to take individuals on a journey of self-discovery, promoting confidence and strength through verbal, emotional and physical expression.
Harmony Day Bake Off 2018
On 21st March members of the Western Sydney Community eagerly arrived at our Liverpool office, ready to enter their specialty dish into first ever Bake Off. The contestants came from all over the world, bringing Samoan, Iraqi, East Timorese, Polish, Aboriginal, Sudanese, Syrian, Italian, Maltese, Vietnamese and Fijian (to name a few) flavours to the judges’ table.
Syrian-Conflict Refugees
The conflict in Syria, and the refugee outflows it created around the world, has dominated Australian news headlines over many years. What is less well-known is how Syrian conflict refugees have settled into the countries that have received them, and especially their journey towards building a new life. Three major Australian universities (UTS, WSU, USyd) […]
Acting U.S. Ambassador James Carouso Visits Western Sydney MRC
His Excellency toured our Liverpool office and joined us for afternoon tea, using the opportunity to meet with different community groups and their leaders. The afternoon was a great success with many members of the community utilising the space to have their voices heard. We were very pleased to present His Excellency with a tour of our office, allowing him to gain more insight into our programs and services and familiarise himself with the work that we do with migrants and refugees.
Men’s Wellbeing Group – Poetry Group

Western Sydney MRC, through the Liverpool Refugee and Migrant Interagency Health and Wellbeing Subcommittee, launched a weekly men’s group, during which men who speak Arabic were invited to come together to learn more about mental wellbeing. The men attended a seven-part series of poetry workshops, exploring concepts of mental wellbeing, through the Five Ways to Wellbeing approach.
End of Year Youth Celebration
On Tuesday 19th December, we held our first annual End of Year Youth Celebration. Though it was an extremely hot day, we had so much fun celebrating our youth and all that makes them so special.