Strengthening the Test for Australian Citizenship
Strengthening the Test for Australian Citizenship Submission to the Australian Government – 1st June 2017 Background on Liverpool MRC The Liverpool Migrant Resource Centre (MRC) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Australian Government (AG) and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and the opportunity to comment on the changes to the […]
Liverpool Refugee Action Plan

This Local Refugee Action Plan has been developed in collaboration with key stakeholders working with refugees in the Liverpool area. The plan has been developed to help coordinate refugee service delivery in the Liverpool LGA, monitor progress against key gaps and needs, and inform organisational planning.
Liverpool Law Expo 2017

A number of workshop sessions provided information in relation to driving laws, fines, general safety and tenancy issues. Sessions were prefaced with a scenario put together by Navitas Students. Whilst the sessions were delivered to a large group, a smaller breakout session was delivered to an intimate group of around 20 and we found this to be a more effective way to facilitate sharing of information and an opportunity to have more in-depth information sessions.
Youth Programs – Successful Swimming school holidays

Being from Australia we are so at one with the water – we are an Island surrounded by water and swimming is often second nature to most Aussie kids. It was also an opportunity to gain access to the facilities available at Whitlam Centre and highlighted other key facilities including gymnastics and the gym. It has been another great opportunity to promote healthy lifestyle activities to our refugee community.
School Holiday Youth Programs – Swimming
Considering recent drowning fatalities within in the Liverpool community the need is great to educate our community about importance of water safety including basic learning to swim skills, safe places to swim, and what to do in case of an emergency. Funded by Liverpool City Council the Liverpool MRC implemented a 2-week intensive swimming program in conjunction […]
Youth Activities Program – DropZone is a huge success

DropZone is a smorgasbord of activities including, DanceFit, BoxFit, Circuit Training, Mui Thai and more and encourages our young people to stay fit and active. Alongside the physical program, healthy lifestyle activities including snack and food preparation also incorporated.
Inquiry in Settlement Outcomes

Our CEO, Kamalle Dabboussy, and Policy and Funding Officer, Meredith Stuebe, were invited to attend a Hearing as part of the Federal Inquiry in Settlement Outcomes run by the Joint Standing Committee on Migration following our submission to the Committee in January 2017.
Circles of Sustainability

The Western Sydney MRC and the Institute of Culture & Society (Western Sydney University) are conducting a study of this place of ours, where we want to hear and understand differing and overlapping perspectives of people who live and/or have lives in the Liverpool LGA.
Circles of Sustainability
We are interested in the question of urban sustainability, resilience, and adaptation because “cities have become the unlikely but crucial zones for the survival of humanity,” says Dr Paul James (Professor of Globalisation & Cultural Diversity, ICS/WSU). So, our interest in this question is simply because “we need to”, in order to survive and thrive in our ‘habitat’, both as individuals and families on the one hand, and as organisations and a community, on the other. We are sure you share this perspective, too.
FASSTT Conference 2017

Liverpool MRC attended the inaugural FASSTT Australia and New Zealand Refugee Trauma Recovery in Resettlement Conference on Thursday 30th March. This served as a wonderful opportunity to explore the most effective means to support refugees to recover from trauma and settle in Australia. The speakers ranged from professionals working in the