School Holiday Activities

Helping families, young people and children expand their social participation in Liverpool – providing a tour and a ceramics workshop to showcase the Powerhouse and its creative offerings. Thanks to Casula Powerhouse for their generosity and welcoming attitude to recent migrants and refugees.

School Holiday Activities – Northbridge Footgulf.

Soccer and golf have been mashed together to create Footgulf. Our amazing youth group also got to learn how to travel to Sydney City and North Sydney. We were able to facilitate and provide new opportunities for young people to develop new skills and interests, their capacity to be independent, and their access to wider Sydney is one of the important goals of the youth program.

Joint Standing Committee on Migration

The Liverpool Migrant Resource Centre welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Migration and the opportunity to reflect on the efficiency and effectiveness of our service and the settlement sector more broadly.

Western Sydney MRC Team Up with Sydney Thunder

The school holiday activity was organised through the Sydney Thunder who reached out to Western Sydney MRC, wanting to engage with our clients in a number of ways. We were very excited by this opportunity and looked into organising a clinic for the upcoming school holidays. With the help of Liverpool City Council, the event was held at Edwin Wheeler Reserve. The event was a huge success with the young people who attended having learned a wide array of new skills.

Western Sydney MRC Team Wins Multicultural Futsal Tournament

The City of Sydney holds a men’s futsal tournament every year however chose to organise an event specifically for communities with an asylum seeker and refugee background. Because of this, Western Sydney MRC made a large contribution to the event which saw more than eighty participants take part. This included two teams of players, club officials, volunteers and many families engaging with the program from a vast range of communities.

National Volunteer Week 2018

National Volunteer week is an annual celebration that occurs each year to recognise the wonderful contribution of volunteers across Australia. Events are organised throughout the country, with a theme to represent the work of the volunteers. This years’ theme was ‘Give a little. Change a lot,’ which is something that we see in the work of our volunteers every single day. To celebrate National Volunteer Week, Western Sydney MRC held an afternoon tea in honour of all of our generous volunteers.

Curious Dreams Magazine Launch

Redfern Town Hall was transformed into an art gallery for a night with guests traveling from all over Sydney to attend the Curious Dreams magazine launch. The magazine launch and exhibition were the concluding events from a project run in partnership with Sydney-based photographer and educator, Saskia Wilson. The project involved a series of ten participatory photography workshops, providing young people with the space to express themselves and to take ownership of their story, telling it in the way they wanted it to be known. It was interesting to note that the conveying of such experiences through a creative outlet encouraged the revelation of tales that may otherwise have remained unknown.

Western Sydney MRC Teams Up with Newtown-Based Social Enterprise

The Social Outfit is a social enterprise based in Newtown that functions to promote employment within the fashion industry amongst people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. This includes training in clothing production, retail, design and marketing; empowering people through the development of skills whilst working to eliminate risks of social isolation.

Aldi MiniRoos Settlement Program

Western Sydney MRC partnered with Football Federation Australia and the Western Sydney Wanderers to Introduce a Pilot MiniRoos Settlement Program into Western Sydney