Minister Natalie Ward’s announcement for urgent funding to support Asylum Seekers and temporary Visa holders – $5.5 million

Western Sydney MRC welcomes the announcement made on Wednesday 18th August of the $5.5 million to support temporary visa holders, including asylum seekers through grassroots, community organisations.
2021 Australian Budget Impacts for CALD Communities

Western Sydney MRC welcomes the increased funding on family and domestic violence supports, including the $10.3m for temporary visa holders as outlined in the Australian Government Budget 2021.
Meet our team

All our team is dedicated to their work, their clients and their community. This year our annual report highlighted a few of the team, each with drive, passion and empathy.
PeerLink Review 2020
PeerLink Community Connectors Admon and Lina and team Coordinator Michelle recently got together at the end of 2020 to reflect on Western Sydney MRC’s PeerLink program. PeerLink started in August this year (2020) and was designed to address the needs and challenges of those concerned about their mental health and/or disability. “Our objective was to assist participants in socialising and coming together, making friends, increasing referral pathways but most importantly making connections, a place to listen, sharing stories and experiences,” says Michelle. The development of this program was gained from insight from the Circles of Sustainability report in 2017 undertaken in partnership with by WSU.
Congratulations SSI

On behalf of Western Sydney MRC, can we congratulate SSI on its 20th Year. It is remarkable to see SSI’s outstanding growth, with the dedication and hard work of all involved, it has achieved a remarkable outcome.
A roundtable with Jodi Mckay MP

On the 26th October 2020, Western Sydney MRC took part in the Community roundtable with Jodi Mckay MP- NSW Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister and Greg Warren MP- Shadow Minister for Western Sydney, Local Government and Veterans. Alongside other NSW Settlement Partner organisations and community leaders, we advocated for issues impacting migrants and refugees in the South Western Sydney community.
Mental health and wellbeing and employment support.
With such a focus on numbers, statistics and KPIs, we want to ensure that the people at the heart of our support, are seen, that their stories and journeys are highlighted, just enough for our communities to be reminded of what we do. Highlighting the struggles, challenges and hardship of the individuals and people we support, alongside their wins and celebrations.
No Interest Loan Scheme now available at MRC
No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) is now available at Western Sydney MRC through a partnership with Metro Assist. Monthly sessions are available at our Liverpool Office.
Western Sydney MRC CEO Kamalle Dabboussy celebrates 17 years at the MRC.
Western Sydney MRC CEO Kamalle Dabboussy today celebrates his 17th anniversary at the MRC. 17 years of dedication. His career and spare time unwaveringly devoted to the community. “Congratulations on 17 years with the MRC. For close to two decades you have shown dedication and commitment to the local community. The number of lives impacted […]
Additional funding received for temporary visa holders

Additional funding received for temporary visa holders