108 Moore Street

Liverpool, NSW 2170

Level 2
178 Queen Street

Campbelltown, NSW 2560


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02 8778 1200

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Job Application Procedure

When applying for a role at the Western Sydney MRC, there are certain criteria and process to be followed. We wish you all the best in your application.

Lodging Applications And Employment Procedure

How can you apply?

There are two ways to submit your application:

  • Email jobs@wsmrc.org.au with your resume and covering letter.

Employment Procedure

At the Western Sydney MRC, the staff is employed under an Equal Employment Opportunity policy. All applicants are assessed under the same criteria and via the same process.

An employment subcommittee will convene and follow the following process:

  • Cull the applications according to the identified selection criteria. Applicants will not be interviewed if they do not meet the essential criteria.
  • Depending on the number and quality of applicants, the desirable criteria may be considered. In cases of an extremely large number of applicants meeting the desirable and essential criteria, the panel will select the applicant who meets the criteria best.
  • The applicant selected will be interviewed. All selected applicants will be asked the same questions.
  • Depending on the position, each candidate may be asked to participate in a short test assessing specific criteria (for example–a typing test, writing skills or computer skills).
  • Referees of the best applicant/s will be contacted.
  • The employment panel will identify successful candidates and conditions of offer of employment (i.e. wages, probation period).
  • The convener of the panel will make an offer of employment to the successful candidate, initially by phone and subsequently in writing.
  • Unsuccessful candidates will be informed in writing.

Lodging an Application

When lodging your application, make sure you submit the following information:

  1. Letter of application addressing the selection criteria, essential and desirable.
  2. Resume outlining your qualification and experience
  3. Name, position and phone number of at least 2 professional referees

Applications via email or post are accepted. It is your responsibility to ensure that the application gets to us on time.

We will not take any responsibility for technical difficulties or lost applications.

Please make sure that the application is received by the Western Sydney MRC by the due date. Late applications may not be accepted.

Any questions about your application should be directed to the convener of the panel or the person identified in the application.
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