108 Moore Street

Liverpool, NSW 2170

Level 2
178 Queen Street

Campbelltown, NSW 2560


Email us


Refer a client

02 8778 1200

Monday: 9-5pm
Tuesday: 9-5pm
Wednesday: 9-5pm
Thursday: 9-1pm
Friday: 9-5pm

Supporters, Funders and grants

Our sincerest thanks to all of our supporters!

Helping the community comes at a cost, but there is no putting a price on humanity. Therefore, we would like to thank all our supporters for making it possible for us to be able to offer services that stand for a more inclusive Australia. We appreciate all the funds and grants, making it possible for us to create opportunities, services and programs that cater for individuals from humanitarian backgrounds, as well as the needs of the community as a whole.

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Mental Health Support

Mental Health Services for people from CALD backgrounds who may be impacted by COVID-19
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Social Sectors Transformation Fund

Through DCJ funding we are able to support families and communities with digitial access and training
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Community Building Partnership

The NSW Community Building Partnership program awards grants for community infrastructure projects.
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Fostering Integration Grant

2WayStreet -working with Youth through schools
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Emergency Relief

Supporting individuals and families in financial crisis ranging from budgeting education & support utility bills (electricity, water & Telstra) to No Interest Loans Scheme (NILS).
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Cultural Connect Program

Supporting Multicultural Playgroups and Parenting Programs
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ParentsNext is catered towards parents with children under 6, to plan and prepare for future study or employment. As well as, increase accessibility of services within the local community.

Connect Conversational English Program

Assists social inclusion that offers friendship & cross-cultural exchange between volunteers & participants.
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Youth Week

Liverpool Youth vs Liverpool Police soccer tournament
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HSP Tier 3

Supporting individual and families who have complex or high level needs.
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